Ready to hit the ground running in your new executive role? Don't miss out on this free on-demand, executive briefing so you can avoid common pitfalls & accelerate your impact.

How To Succeed From Day One

Sign up for this free, on-demand Executive Briefing and learn how to avoid common pitfalls and accelerating your impact as you begin your new executive role.

How To Succeed From Day One

Sign up for this free, on-demand Executive Briefing and learn how to avoid common pitfalls and accelerating your impact as you begin your new executive role.

Achieve success as you begin your new executive role

In this free briefing, you will discover the 3 most common pitfalls new executives face. You'll also find out how to counteract them so you can thrive both personally and professionally in your new role.

In just 50 minutes, you’ll:

  • ​Learn about the 3 most common pitfalls that new leaders fall into – and equip yourself with the knowledge you need to avoid them.
  • ​Receive guidance from industry experts who make successful leadership initiatives easier to achieve through evidence-based research, decades of field experience, and quick, actionable tips. 
  • ​Access a complimentary one-on-one strategic session with an executive leadership coach who will help guide you toward success in your new role.

"As I transition into executive leadership, I am aware of the raised stakes involved and the need to make quick impact. Ad Lucem Group’s executive briefing was helpful in giving me tools to avoid common difficulties that occur during transitions and providing countermeasures in order to achieve the success and impact I hope to have. I am grateful for the perspective they provided and look forward to putting these tools and ideas into action.

David MacDonald
Director, Private Equity - Ambassador Enterprises

This Executive Briefing is brought to you by:

Patrick Farran, PHD, MBA

Patrick is the co-founder and CEO of Ad Lucem Group, an executive coaching and management consultancy, and a faculty member in the University of Notre Dame's MBA program. 

Amber Johnson, PHD

Amber is the Senior Culture & Strategy Advisor at Ad Lucem Group. With a PhD from Benedictine University's Center for Values-Driven Leadership and over 20 years of experience, Amber helps organizations drive change through human-centered design.

Ad Lucem Group

Many high-performing organizations struggle to find clear focus and thereby miss the opportunity to fully engage their stakeholders and break through to new levels of thriving and innovation. Our mission is to help organizations move towards their clarity of purpose and focus (ad lucem is Latin for “to the light”). Ad Lucem Group helps organizations build a clear vision and path that generates desired results more quickly, effectively, authentically, and at a lower cost to the organization than traditional change methodologies by fully engaging organizational stakeholders. We leverage our expertise to create in days and weeks what most organizations struggle to achieve in years. 

Patrick Farran and Melissa Norcross founded Ad Lucem Group in 2017 to walk alongside purpose-driven organizations to equip them with the tools and help they need to achieve their goals by tapping into their full capabilities. Steeped in strategy and certified in the use of Appreciative Inquiry, our techniques have been used to enable start-ups and non-profit organizations through large global Fortune 100 companies to achieve unprecedented and sustainable results. 

Succeed From Day One

Achieve success as you begin your new executive role.
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